lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

3 Tips for Meeting People Online

Las salas de chat en línea, foros o grupos de citas en línea sitios web son una buena manera de conocer gente en línea . Sin embargo, se debe tener cuidado con la calidad de las personas que se encuentran en este camino, y lo mucho que vamos a llegar a conocerte. Puede ser fácil dejarse seducir por una falsa sensación de seguridad cuando piensas que conoces a alguien en línea, y se siente en el anonimato, pero estar en guardia puede ser el mejor consejo para conocer gente en línea.

Sea exigente

Si quieres conocer gente en línea que realmente conecte con usted, usted debe ser exigente en cuanto a los sitios web y salas de chat que usted frecuenta. Si usted está buscando a alguien que pueda tener una relación romántica con usted, echa un vistazo a algunos sitios web de citas, o, si quieres hablar con alguien acerca de sus intereses, tales como libros, películas y música, mirando a un foro discutir estos temas y unirse. Buscar activamente el tipo de persona que deseas conocer.

Sea honesto

A veces puede ser tentador para crear una persona completamente diferente en línea de lo que son en la vida real, de apelar a diferentes personas y alejarse de su vida. Sin embargo, esto no es una exageración. Sea honesto acerca de su vida, el trabajo y la apariencia. Probablemente Te importa si alguien había conectado en línea que estaba reportando una personalidad que no es cierto, así que no hagas lo mismo a los demás. Siempre sea lo más honesto posible cuando te encuentras con la gente en línea, para que pueda hacer conexiones reales en base a su personalidad y real intereses.

Tener cuidado

Una parte importante de conocer gente en línea es el tema de la seguridad. Nunca comparta información personal a través de Internet, incluso si usted se siente que usted está estableciendo una conexión real. Siempre debe ser ambiguo cuando se trata de donde usted vive y trabaja. Esto hace no significa que tenga que mentir, pero usted no debe dar direcciones, números personales o de un exceso de información que pueda ser peligroso en las manos equivocadas. Si decide conocer en persona a alguien usted ha conectado en línea, hacerlo en terreno neutral, en un lugar público, no en casa o en la suya.

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viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

How to improve your profile and show it more interesting to meet new people online

Many times when we seek to Meet People Online, only we focus at what have other profiles and which seem more interesting to send invitations and get to know them, but at some point we started to think about how looks our profile? Or if Is it attractive to other people? Optimize your profile will facilitate much be seen for more people and in many cases to find someone special, the complete data will allow you to properly be defined and introduce to others about what you want of a guy or woman. This may not be as easy but it's worth so you must complete all sections and answer questions if any in the system to meet people online, this will also allow to the meet more people, there are sites that propose the type of people that are more in line with you depending on your profile data, its mean find people who have the same preferences or tastes. 


What kind of person would you like to know?

meet people on internet

Currently there are sites to meet people online, where on the summary data of users have sections where you can put a specific info about which are the features of person you want to meet and in the other section to put what are you passionate about, this is very useful and need to fill all costs, plus this will not take long time. It is also very flattering hobbies because others also complete these sections, on the other hand I also recommend that you specify a few things about the kind of people you would like to know, if has or not work, if like to smoke, or have at least photo avatar among others or if he like cats among other things of your choice. 


Be careful about what you share 

observation, try make to make striking and interesting the information you share about yourself or same, it must be only true or real information, type your hobbies, your interests and your strengths, information about your pet, what kind of activities do you do. 


why you have to do that? 

The best reason I can give you is that more people will write you, its mean more people will be drawn according to your characteristics, in addition to the search tools of the site, to many other sites can find people using specifics characteristics in particular, such as age , physical condition, if smoke or not , language or country you live among many other things . 



Consider having a good Avatar, also upload photos about what you do, always smiling, always work in a nice background, is better if your photos show all your body or half body in this way you will give an idea to people visiting you profile about which is the current physical fitness. Remember, excess is not good, do not put too many pics. 


What not to put in your profile? 

Never write about you work, do not write about problems or if you are divorced or widow, neither you criticize yourself, not talk about your excesses or defects such as you are very sensitive or you're allergic to something, that give a bad impression, either you put pictures with the opposite sex in compromising situations or Photos by example in which you are drinking. Remember you're looking to meet new people not repel them That will be all for now do not forget that now you have a pending work if you want more people to send you invitations and so more opportunities to find that perfect person for you. 

For More Info
Are you looking to MEET MORE PEOPLE ONLINE ?